Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Julie Durda

         Channel 7’s Julie Durda may be known for her stunning good looks but don’t let Ms. Sunshine fool you, this meteorologist is bright.
      Durda is a certified meteorologist who graduated from Mississippi State University in 2009 with a degree in Atmospheric Science/Broadcast Meteorology which included prerequisite classes like calculus and atmospheric physics. In 2006, she began her career in her home town Sacramento as an intern before becoming a traffic reporter without even graduating from college.

                Inside the weather office of WSVN Channel 7, Durda is sitting down; her speech is articulate and motivating. Durda speaks passionately from her heart and with enthusiasm.  She is full of life, animated, and her positive energy brings a feeling of joy and excitement. 

“It is important to get your education and intern. I feel people don’t take advantage of the internships that are out there and that is the biggest opportunity that you have to actually see if you like the industry. Why go to school for four or six years and go into a job one day and then realize you don’t like it. I think that goes not just for a meteorologist or broadcasting career but for any job. So I definitely suggest while you’re getting your education to intern where ever you can with whatever degree you want to obtain,” Durda said.

Candace Campos is a morning weather meteorologist who produces the weather and graphics seen behind Durda on Channel 7’s “Today in South Florida” morning news show. Being an example of Durda’s expert advice, Campos graduated from FIU but started working with WSVN as a sophomore and has been employed there almost five years. Her aspirations are to be on-air one day and follow in Durda’s footsteps. Together they not only make a great team professionally, but are also close friends.


“Julie is an extremely hard worker and is here every day at 3:30 in the morning. She wasn’t somebody who just waltzes right in and got the job easily without being a producer and intern before that.  I like her personality because she is happy go lucky and it sticks to you, she puts a smile on your face, especially so early in the morning.  Julie’s also a good friend. Not only is she professional and makes sure the work is done, but she always has an ear to listen to and shoulder to cry on, she’s a good friend and great co-worker,” Campos said.

Durda’s choice of wardrobe for the day is a grey dress which includes a matching red belt and red pumps that coincides with her firm, fit figure. This ensemble expresses her feminine beauty, professionalism, and class as a meteorologist. The transition from student and intern to going on air was not easy, it was frightening.

                                                       JULIE DURDA & I
“My first day on air as a meteorologist was scary. It's one of those moments when you’re biting your tongue,  hoping you’re saying the correct thing and its coming out the way you interpret it and people watching understand. From the time cues and time constraints, to compacting everything in your package to your own standpoint, knowing people are watching you, are the graphics right? The first day is always the worst day; it only gets better from there. Everybody has their first day; it’s just like anybody’s first day in their job. You learn from your mistakes. Honestly everything in life is a learning process, especially when it comes to being a reporter or meteorologist, you have to learn,” Durda said.

Every lesson in life is a step that prepares you for the next staircase. One of these stepping stones for Durda before becoming a meteorologist was when she made the San Francisco 49ers cheerleading squad for two years.

“It was a dream come true. I didn’t look like the girls and I didn’t know how to dance like them. It was more like I’ll try out, if I make it great…. if not then no big deal. I happened to make the squad. It really opened up a big opportunity for me.” Durda said.

This big opportunity was a side show set up by Comcast where they chose a couple of cheerleaders to report and tell the fans behind the scenes what really goes on with the  cheerleaders, football players, and the fans.  The show was a 30 minute segment and recap on what occurred over the week.

“Nobody ever watched it but it was just the opportunity to be able to report, get in front of the camera, and I was able to edit. I thought it was fun.” Durda said.

So what does Durda do for fun these days? She shops at her favorite store.” If I had to choose any store to be locked up in for 48 hours it would have to be Target. I love Target. Actually this belt and shoes I’m wearing are from there. They have food, bedding, games, maps; you can play with their video games, anything. I mean you can basically make a lot happen in 48 hours,” Durda said. “When they finally find you, you won’t want to leave though,” Durda said laughing.

 Not only does Durda have a great sense of humor but her positive mindset helps her to deal with criticism and rumors in an effective way since being in the spotlight invites positive and negative opinions.

“You have to learn to take everything that’s good and prosper from it, run with it, and always keep this in the back of your head. There’s always going to be a critic. Not everyone is going to like you. If it rains they’re mad at you. If it’s sunny they’re mad at you. You can’t make everybody happy. As long as you remember what your job is and what makes you happy then you have to go with it.” Durda said.

One way that Durda brings joy to her life is by giving back to the community. “I feel that once you have a voice, whatever you can do, then do it. It doesn’t matter whatever it is, hopefully somebody listens. Even if you touch just one person than at least one person can come help out. It means the world.” Durda said.
Breast Cancer Awareness is one of the main charities that Durda represents. “There are so many women out there that I know that have been touched by breast cancer. Unfortunately, I feel that there’s not enough awareness which needs to be out there so people ask questions, do your breast exams, and don’t be scared.” Durda says.

Another charity Durda is involved with is the Boys and Girls Club. “The Boys and Girls Club is very near and dear to my heart. It’s for kids that don’t have the opportunity to enjoy life the way other kids do. Some parents are not as fortunate.  This organization raises money to give to the kids. They’re able to do outdoor activities, they get to learn, they get to have tutors and role models; and that is so important. ” Durda said.

Durda seems to have a lot on her plate to deal with on a daily basis. Seems like only Superwoman can accomplish this much; Oh but she is a superwoman! Especially completing a physical obstacle called the Superman/Superwoman challenge.

 “I love that.  I highly recommend it to anybody who has the time to train for it. It took me 6 months. It was a long process. I never thought I could do it. Somebody told me yeah you can push a hummer, pull a smart car, and flip a tire. No I can’t! Are you kidding me?  It’s important to set goals. Since I enjoy physical activities being a stress reliever, I made a goal for myself. For example, every time I run I try to make it a little longer distance or half marathons to a marathon. This was one of my goals that I achieved. It was a lot of fun, “Durda said.

This meteorologist with an S on her chest deals with stress in a healthy manner. So what does she do to deal with stress? She runs and works out. With a fit body like hers, it’s no surprise she enjoys work outs like kick boxing and weight training.

“I work out, with every job comes stress. I’m on air every 5 minutes. I have a schedule every 5 min I have to keep up with and to me it gets stressful, especially the days that were tracking the tropics. There are days that we are watching 4 or 4 different areas, especially if they’re in the forecast cone. I like to go for runs, I enjoy running a lot, and it’s therapeutic. I know it sounds crazy to run 5, 10 miles thinking but it’s relaxing to me.” Durda said.

In conclusion, Julie Durda is not only beautiful, smart, has a great heart and personality, but she is also a motivating role model. As long as Ms. Sunshine is on air shining bright, there is no need to go outside. You can see her live every morning on WSVN Channel 7 A.M. news at 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and noon shows or click on www.wsvn.com.                       

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